There are Samba groups,
Blocos and Baterias with and without dancers in many European
countries. The scene lives and grows - instantly.
The team of Samba workshops is well-networked in Europe and, of course, also has got contacts to Rio de Janeiro. Here is a small
collection of sympathetic samba bands:
Samba Suisse, classy Samba Band in Zurich - Samba Suisse Rio Show
A great Samba School in Geneva: Unidos de Genève
Fogo do Ritmo, Samba Fusion from Dresden, Germany - Fogo do Ritmo
Carabassamba, spanish Samba from Muro, Mallorca - Carabassamba Bateria Fogosa
Samba from Vienna, Austria - Escola de Samba Baturim
Samba in Scottland: Edinburgh School of Samba
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